A Blockchain Platform for Financial Services
The creators of this platform are people who believe in blockchain technology as a new business model
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FINETIKA - A Blockchain Platform for Financial Services
By 2027, 10% of the world's gross output is expected to be generated by blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology enables the organization, flow and delivery of financial services to be decentralized.
Nowadays, most users have access to a variety of payment methods beyond traditional payment cards and cash - digital wallets, mobile applications, NFCs or QR technologies.
New alternatives mean that consumers and merchants can now easily switch from one payment service provider to another, with several payment methods available at the same time.
The platform relies on the future of blockchain technology.
The basic principles of the FinEtika Platform are security, mobility, convenience. With software, it is important to have access to the desired financial service within minutes.
FinEtika is expected to work with the following entities: credit cooperatives; non-bank financial institutions / micro-credit organizations; leasing companies; insurance companies and insurance brokers; investment intermediaries; management companies; payment systems; credit intermediaries. Insurance will be offered in the following branches:
Property insurances
Travel assistance
Accidents and health
Civil liability

Financial Instruments
There are conventional financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, commodities and money market instruments, and there are derivatives such as futures and options whose value is related to that of the 'underlying' instruments from which they are derived, where their name comes from.
Financial analysis
Our expertise often serves the needs of various stakeholders, including potential investors and lenders, partners, clients, the public. Transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, greenfield investments and corporate sales are inevitably accompanied by in-depth financial analysis, forecasting and valuation.