Blockchain Platform for Financial Services
In 2018, Ethic Finance PLC, Plovdiv, started developing an online blockchain platform for financial services FinEtika.
FinEtika - a banking-as-a-service platform based on blockchain technology that provides the tools needed to start and scale financial services. The platform is built by independent API microservices (sections) that can be used similarly to lego blocks.
The basic structure of the online blockchain financial services platform FinEtika and all its modules are based on blockchain SHA-256 encryption.
Potential clients of FinEtika - Financial Services Platform are young entrepreneurs and start-up companies with an affinity for innovation in finance and information technology.
It is envisaged that FinEtika will work with the following partners holding the necessary licenses: credit cooperatives; non-bank financial institutions / micro-credit organizations; leasing companies; insurance companies and insurance brokers; investment intermediaries; management companies; credit intermediaries and more
The platform relies on the future of blockchain technology. The basic principles of the FinEtika platform are "security, mobility, convenience". With software, it is important to have access to the desired financial service within minutes. Blockchain technology allows the organization, flow and delivery of financial services to be decentralized
A unique market is being created for the users of the platform, which will be offered numerous financial services after proper licensing, such as:
accounting services;
consulting services;
financial instruments.